Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Best Decsion this Year by UN: Gaza Marathon Cancelled!

Perhaps the best decision by the United Nations in the past decade:

A UN aid agency has canceled the marathon in Gaza following a ban on women runners imposed by the territory's militant Islamic Hamas rulers.

UNWRA, which assists Palestinian refugees and also sponsors and organizes the event, announced on Tuesday that plans for the April race have been scrapped. A statement from agency says that "this disappointing decision follows discussions with the authorities in Gaza who have insisted that no women should participate" in the marathon. (AP) YNETNews

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Eitan said...

Don't ya just love the "disappointing" part!?

Empress Trudy said...

One would think from the New York Times that there isn't enough land area free of people stacked atop one another like a scene out of Soylent Green to even run a marathon in Gaza.

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